Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Themed Photography

Theme photography is simply photography that has a certain them or plot. In this case my theme was suicide.. It was for the TSU Herald News paper. There has been a rise in suicide deaths at TSU and it was important to address this issue by head lining the story but also capture something that would stand out and make people think. After long thought I thought about how I could capture something worth while and these are the images I came up with. Even though some may think they are a little much I feel like suicide deaths are something that shouldn't be taking lightly. After taking the pictures I added an artistic touch on them by adding photo shop filters to them. Here below are the before and after pictures of the final pictures I chose. If you or someone you know is having problems and have thought about committing suicide seek help immediately.. There is help out there for you.. Someone cares.. God bless..



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